Just a reminder that the world’s water issues should’ve been solved years ago, but for some strange reason we act like we just can’t figure it out (from the documentary Billions in Change):
We all know Hollywood is a bit strange, but pictures are worth a thousand words. Watching them ‘morph’ through the years is quite interesting, and leads to speculation as to why their appearances change so often and so drastically. ‘People’ was generous enough to show the drastic transformations of many of the ‘stars’ which we hold in such high esteem – and just about every one of them is very odd, to say the least. John Travolta, for example, has some pretty messed-up versions of himself out there. 2002, 2012, and 2013 give me the heebie-jeebies: Dakota Fanning’s timeline is also interesting. Her 2008 picture gives me nightmares, and she has two 2009 versions, as well as two 2010 versions of herself. Everything in between is strange, but 2016 is downright jacked-up: Moving along, …
Inspired, raw, and brutal - three ways to describe this book. It's free as we speak. Grab you a copy and hold onto your seat:
If you don't know about Tesla, you should. Grab this while it's free to get a crash course on shit that really matters:
A few others for free as well. Check it out.
You be the judge. I feel compelled to post this most-important piece of my most recent digital manuscript, Aliens: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.
Take a look, and make your own conclusions. You can't tell me it's not fucked up, though.
“He rubbed his hands. For, of course, they didn't content themselves with merely hatching out embryos: any cow could do that. “We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future..." He was going to say "future World Controllers", but correcting himself, said "future Directors of Hatcheries" instead.” – Aldous Huxley; ‘Brave New World’
In his 1932 novel ‘Brave New World,’ Aldous Huxley outlines a nightmarish future where humans are created in laboratories, and conditioned to take on pre-determined societal roles. Was Huxley, born into the prominent and influential Huxley family, merely allowing his imagination to run wild, or did he have some insights into the future plans for mankind? Based on his family ties, the likelihood that Huxley thought-up the idea of cloning and genetic engineering seems far-fetched. Eugenics was a ‘hot topic’ to those in Aldous Huxley’s circle. Eugenics (from Oxfordictionaries.com): the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Aldous’ brother, Julian Huxley, was a noted eugenicist. Julian was a longtime and influential member of the Eugenics Society (now called the Galton Institute), serving as its president from 1959 to 1969. Julian Huxley, also involved in the creation of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and serving as its first director, held a plethora of influential eugenics-related roles throughout his life. Julian and Aldous’ grandfather, Thomas Henry Huxley, was known as “Darwin’s bulldog,” for his ardent support of Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Natural selection has always been closely associated with eugenics, though the connection is rarely made. Eugenics was not just important to those in upper-class London… Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party had a similar fascination with eugenics, and is arguably the reason why the term has lost its mainstream acceptance. Dr. Josef Mengele, former Nazi SS officer known as the “angel of death,” is best remembered for his role in human experimentation performed at concentration camps, most notably Auschwitz, during World War II. Specializing in ‘genetics and eugenics,’ many of Mengele’s experiments were cruel and inhumane; barbaric to the point of savagery. Mengele had a keen interest in identical twins. The concentration camps provided hundreds of identical twins on which Mengele could conduct his experiments, and he is thought to have personally murdered over 3,000 of them. The Nazi’s were driven by the desire for the ‘New Man.’ The ‘New Man’ has different meaning in different contexts, but it is clear that the Nazi’s were intent to design a new breed of people designed to serve their needs. Is it possible that Mengele was tasked with genetically engineering the ‘New Man’? Did the ‘New Man’ concept simply die off after World War II, or did it just move out of the public eye? Can I Borrow a Paperclip? “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owning no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” – Theodore Roosevelt Following World War II, the US government determined that the cutting-edge research performed by the Nazis was not to go to waste, or end up in someone else’s hands, so they hatched a plan to bring the best and brightest Nazis back to the US. Beginning in 1945, ‘Operation Paperclip’ was launched, which brought over 1,500 German scientists back to the United States in order to continue their research. US President Harry Truman, responsible for executing the order, initially indicated anyone who has “been a member of the Nazi Party, and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Nazi militarism," would be excluded. The exclusion didn’t last long, as that would’ve excluded a majority of scientists doing the most sought-after work. To skirt the ‘no-Nazi’ clause, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) – the US agency responsible for the operation, essentially ran a witness protection program for Nazis. False identities were created; employment and housing were secured – all while the JOIA worked to scrub the ‘Nazi’ label from their records. Noted Nazi Wernher von Braun, considered by many to be the most important Nazi NASA scientist in the agency’s history, surprisingly does not have a dossier documenting his participation in Operation Paperclip. Von Braun was likely not the only undocumented Nazi to continue their work on highly sensitive government projects. After numerous attempts to obtain a 600 page report (published in 2006) describing the US government’s involvement with the Nazis, the New York Times finally received a copy of the Justice Department’s report. The findings, as reported in 2010 by the New York Times, conclude that the US created a “safe-haven” for Nazis: “Perhaps the report’s most damning disclosures come in assessing the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement with Nazi émigrés. Scholars and previous government reports had acknowledged the C.I.A.’s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes. But this report goes further in documenting the level of American complicity and deception in such operations. The Justice Department report, describing what it calls “the government’s collaboration with persecutors,” says that O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, even though government officials were aware of their pasts. “America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became — in some small measure — a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.” The Angel of Death, and the Quest for Immortality Following World War II, Josef Mengele, still assuming his normal identity, was captured by the Allied forces. Apparently there was some sort of ‘mix-up’ at the station, as Mengele was subsequently released and shortly thereafter assumed a new identity - and made his way to South America using a passport issued by the Red Cross. Shortly after arriving in Argentina, Mengele became well connected and assumed the lifestyle of a businessman, making frequent ‘business’ trips to Paraguay. Mengele’s business interests thrived, and it appears to have allowed him to continue his eugenics research. Argentine government files released in 1992 demonstrate that the Argentine government knew that Mengele had been practicing ‘medicine’ without a license, and even performed illegal abortions. “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” – Josef Mengele Mengele had no problem obtaining a passport to Germany, using his real name, and made several trips back to Europe while he was ‘on the run.’ His son was able to meet with Mengele in his final years, but the authorities were never able to track him down. Mengele had the distinction of being one of the most wanted mass murderers in modern history, yet seemingly operated freely and under some sort of protection. Is it possible that Mengele’s genetic ‘experimentation’ continued well after the war? In the 1978 film ‘The Boys from Brazil,’ a fictional account of Josef Mengele’s post World War II life is imagined. In the film, Mengele has successfully cloned Adolf Hitler 94 times, with the hope that the clones will continue Hitler’s work and usher-in the ‘Fourth Reich’: “Adolf Hitler is alive! This album is full of pictures of him. Bobby Wheelock and ninety-three other boys are exact genetic duplicates of him, bred entirely from his cells. He allowed me to take half a liter of his blood and a cutting of skin from his ribs… We were in a Biblical frame of mind on the twenty-third of May 1943, at the Berghof. He had denied himself children because he knew that no son could flourish in the shadow of so godlike a father! But when he heard what was theoretically possible, that I could create one day not his son, not even a carbon-copy but another original, he was thrilled by the idea! The right Hitler for the right future! A Hitler tailor-made for the 1980s, the 1990s, 2000!“ While most assume the move is completely fictitious, others feel that it was actually has some basis in reality. Former contributing editor for Los Angeles Times Magazine, Annie Jacobsen, received a lot of attention when she published her book, “Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base” in 2011. Featured on NPR (National Public Radio) and other media outlets, the book concludes that cloning has been going on for many years, and that it has been used as a means to achieve an end. An article featured on motherjones.com outlines Jacobsen’s outlandish claim: “She spins a truly amazing tale of what really happened in Roswell. The crash didn't involve a weather balloon, as the Air Force insisted, or a UFO. Rather, it was a super-duper-hi-tech remote-control stealth Soviet flying saucer developed at Stalin's behest, designed by a couple of ex-Luftwaffe aeronautical-whiz brothers, and manned by "child-size aviators." These diminutive fliers appeared to be 13 years old and had oversized heads and "haunting, oversize eyes." But they weren't little gray men; they were "biologically and/or surgically reengineered children" created by…fugitive Nazi doctor Josef Mengele! The crash, reasons Jacobsen, was staged as part of a Kremlin plot to send Americans into a fit of UFO-induced hysteria.” Nazis appear to be closely linked to much of what we think of as ‘alien.’ The first widely publicized UFO abduction event, known as the Barney and Betty Hill case, occurred in 1966. Under hypnosis, Barney Hill claims that he saw a Nazi aboard the UFO (start at 17:00): Hill: “He looks like a German Nazi.” Interviewer: “He is a Nazi? Did he have on a German uniform?” Hill: “Yes.”
Pretty fucked up, right? It gets worse...
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Neo: What truth? Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage... born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. |
AuthorCasper Stith constantly struggles to maintain his sanity. As he gets deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole, the chances of a full recovery diminish... Archives
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